met up with xh on monday to collect the presentation night tickets! it was fun and nice talking to her. we seem to talk a hell lot of stuff online, but never face to face! and talking to her makes me miss jc life AGAIN. oh well..
so yesterday was a rather fun day! (as compared to today which i shall elaborate later)
met up with hs yesterday in the afternoon for the much talked-about Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie. as expected, it was horrible. i felt that certain places was SO CHEESY and Ron and Hermoine seriously needs to go for some drama lessons. as i read the half blood prince now, i find that the characters aren't potrayed as they are described! well anw, the movie was sketchy and they left out alot of points, like if you realised there wasn't any Quidditch match at all? oh well.. we were at vivo AGAIN. but i'm not complaining, just that we end up eating like Superdog, which is nice and fattening! didn't buy any thing, for once! and didn't take any pictures, for hs is so not a camwhore. she says we're like tourists! haha
well anw, went to meet jas for dinner at Subway (mmmm, oatmeal raisin cookie!) and it was on to presentation night, with vera too! i realised after such a long break from playing and listening to band music, i can't seem to concentrate to listen to concerts. but vj was good all the same! =D and we did have some laughter watching people on stage. haha
after the concert was over, we took the vj bus back to vj as Vera wanted to see the rest of her batchmates. waited a while and went for supper at hk cafe at siglap with the Awesomes + me and jas. haha we walked there upon missing 2 13s. the company was really good. sitting there listening to them talk, gossip and catch up on all their scandals and deep dark secrets, i really miss the fun and excitement and all the stupid shit we did in jc. like create scandals or like talk abt who's with who =/ i should really stop this. i drank the "ying yang" [coffee + tea], which is really quite a stupid drink to drink at 1130pm when i'm intending to sleep. and thus, the sleep at 4am to wake up at 9am bright and cherry, to sleeping while standing in the bus returning home from tuition.
well anyway so today's the start of the week long period where i'd have a guest in my house. due to reasons i do not wish to elaborate on coz it pisses me off, i have since forgo the luxury of my toilet, the luxury of sitting in the most unglam positions, even one of the basic necessities in this technological age, the tv. i thought i'd have a much deserved break from the taiwanese programmes my dad enjoys so much during his overseas trip, and perhaps catch my channel 55 dramas in peace. but NOOOOO, there has to come a guest, who's from taiwan, to come and watch taiwanese programmes. seriously, i feel like a guest staying in my own house.
i really would appreciate if i could have a time-tuner to go back to yesterday where i was enjoying myself instead of staying here facing all this crap.